Online course

Work technologies
with information

Accelerate your data workflow by 2x:
easy to remember and recall
what you need right now!

After the course, you'll

  • 2 times accelerate your work and any intellectual activity

  • You'll be practicing intellectual stamina and learn to get less tired by doing more

  • You can structure information To learn new things without interrupting your current employment, for example, to get a second higher education in 1 year.

  • Learn to navigate big data and solve complex intellectual problems - for example, you will be able to understand legislative acts

  • You'll work out an algorithm for parsing the book for 1 night


  • Access
    private chat

    course clients to share experiences in the use of technology and mutual motivation

  • Proven cases

    from a teacher who has taught them to over 4,000 people.

Get the course
  • If you're specialist you can:

    • Get up to speed quickly and dealing with the pressure of keeping a lot of complicated tasks in your head;

    • Memorize and apply useful information from books and webinars;

    • Protect yourself from being downsized If the specialty is outdated, and be in demand at any age and in any city;

    • Skills development without sick days and vacations, and change professional activities in a short period of time;

    • Avoid mechanical errors in the flow of things.

  • If you're top manager you can:

    • Shorten the time to write reports and presentations;

    • Learn to analyze quickly information and, as a result, react in time to market changes and do not miss business-critical data;

    • Develop the skill of memorization To keep all the data in your head and not to depend on your secretary and diary;

    • Optimize time to process information using a special algorithm.

You will learn universal skills that are applicable to 80-90% of your work and training!

Course content

You'll learn how to apply 7 methods и 9 instruments

Technologies / methods

  1. Classification and systematization
  2. Highlighting the main
  3. Formulation of definitions and concepts
  4. Creating mind maps
  5. Symbolic coding
  6. Accelerated downloading of information
  7. Retention and transfer to long-term memory

Techniques / tools

  1. Scan
  2. Antibaran
  3. Grouping and typologization
  4. Euler circles
  5. Associative coding
  6. Phonetic coding
  7. Structuring and ranking
  8. Repetition system
  9. Playback Funnel

The course simultaneously develops 4 directions

  • Analysis

    • Set theory in structuring and understanding
    • mind-map theory
    • mnemotechnics
  • Processing

    • rapid analysis
    • mind mapping
    • formulation of definitions
    • systematization of texts and tables (using books, video, audio as examples)
    • character coding
    • categorization
  • Memorial

    • books in practice
    • mind map
    • terms (e.g. books, video, audio)
  • Saving information

    • repetition system
    • funnel algorithm (by example of books, video, audio)

The course is designed to meet the needs of

  • Top Managers
  • Accountants
  • Marketers
  • Programmers
  • Analysts
  • Educators
  • Lawyers

Technologies are applicable to work with information of any kind

What techniques do we use
and what do they do?

This is a set of exercises to synchronize the work of the left and right hemispheres, as well as to bring the brain to a working state. It will help you to quickly recharge your brain during a hard day's work and return to work with full clarity.

Use to develop the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Brings the brain into working condition and trains concentration.

Patterns are a development that allows you to put a variety of skills to work faster. In this case, patterns allow you to practice the skill of highlighting the main point. You will learn to find important information in the text faster. For example, you will be able to detect pitfalls in a legal document at the first acquaintance with it.

This is a set of exercises that develops associative thinking. It allows you to quickly encode whole paragraphs of text into a few symbols. Then these symbols will be used to form the structure of the text in the form of a mind-map.

Develops logic and decision-making skills. Helps to understand the flow of data, speeds up data analysis for decision making. At a business meeting, you will be able to give a balanced answer to your partners without additional thought.

Within the course, set theory solves several problems at once:

  • Offers a principle for categorizing disparate data
  • simplifies the analysis of any data
  • helps you learn new terminology faster

They are used to solve problems of combining and intersecting semantic units in mathematics, logic, management, marketing, law, programming, pedagogy, and data analysis.

A set of exercises for practicing the skill of translating textual information into symbols (i.e. encoding skill). Practicing this skill in isolation facilitates the further process of making mind maps using schematic symbols. Exercises accelerate visual thinking

Setting a goal in advance before reading a text speeds up the process of finding important information, reducing the time it takes to read the entire text.

Basic principles of making a mind map to structure information and then remember it. Students will then be able to use mind maps to plan events, prepare speeches, make lists (e.g., shopping or things to take on a trip), categorize data, structure information from a source (books, articles), take notes, memorize texts (including verbatim), generate ideas, and gain target vocabulary

We learn to set a goal, select literature and form the primary structure of the material, memorize definitions of new terms and enrich existing knowledge with new data and facts. This allows you to parse and work through any source of information, as well as plan and write an article or book

Free trial lesson

Especially for this course, we have developed a free trial lesson to help you evaluate the quality of the entire course

Get a trial lesson

What Advance Technology Training Gives

  • Memorizing definitions using mnemonic techniques

  • The repetition system to store information into long-term memory

  • Mind-mapping to build in your head a clear system of interrelationships of all elements with each other

  • Comprehension and memorization of all mind maps using the successive approximation method


Any new term is automatically categorized in your head and used with a full understanding of all the elements and relationships in related categories

Course facilitator

Juanita Jones

  • 5 years methodologist teacher, course developer
  • Trained 4,000 people in effective learning technologies
  • Participated in Advance teacher training
  • More than 70 of her students learned 1,000 pieces of information in one day

Cost of Training

Basic Plan

Learn the fundamentals of working with information to enhance your productivity and memory skills.

  • 10 online lessons
  • 50 simulators
  • Practical memory techniques

In a lump sum payment


Pro Plan

Dive deeper into advanced techniques and gain access to personalized support.

  • 10 online lessons
  • 110 simulators
  • Exclusive new techniques
  • Private chat with the teacher
  • Online support throughout the training

In a lump sum payment


Premium Plan

Master the art of working with information with exclusive features and lifetime access.

  • 10 online lessons
  • 110 simulators
  • Advanced techniques and strategies
  • Private chat with the teacher
  • Lifetime access to course materials
  • Personalized coaching sessions (1 hour/month)

In a lump sum payment


All our courses can be paid for with maternity capital


We are the Center for Educational Technology

  • 14 years

    We teach people to discover and develop their intellectual potential and increase their personal efficiency

  • 1.7 million

    people participated in our courses and workshops

  • 85 000

    people have taken our full courses

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